Employer Accreditation.

No matter the industry, every company is different.

Vita Nova pride ourselves on understanding your industry, your business and assisting you with applying our expert immigration knowledge to your business needs.

Vita Nova are a registered New Zealand service provider for the Regional Business Partner Network [‘RBP’]. RBP is a gateway that connects New Zealand businesses to the right advice. As a business you may be eligible to receive a subsidy from RBP allowing you to access our services. As a registered service provider we will work directly with you to provide targeted and specific immigration advice and support.

More information on the Regional Business Partner Network can be accessed on their website.


Employer Accreditation

All employers who wish to hire migrants on an Accredited Employer Work Visa must hold Employer Accreditation with Immigration New Zealand [“INZ”]. There are currently four types of accreditation:

  • Standard [Hire a maximum of 5 migrants]

  • High Volume [Hire 6 or more migrants]

  • Controlling Third Party [For migrants being placed with third parties by their direct employer]

  • Franchisee [being phased out in 2024, date TBD]

If you need to become accredited, we can help!

Employer Accreditation - Latest Updates

Under the changes introduced by the government on 07 April 2024, INZ will have more powers to suspend accreditations during investigations and more powers to revoke accreditations due to non-compliance. Accredited Employers are also now required to meet the following:

  • Employers must tell INZ within 10 working days if a migrant leaves employment more than a month before their visa expires.

  • All those making recruitment decisions about AEWV holders will need to complete the Employment NZ online course units at least once per accreditation period.

  • Employer must provide at least 30 hours of work per week to AEWV holders or their accreditation may be revoked.

 Employers must keep records of taking reasonable steps to ensure that an applicant for an AEWV meets qualification and skills requirements for AEWVs. This will include checking whether the applicant is suitably qualified [in terms of the requirements listed in the job check and associated advertising] AND checking whether applicants meet the ‘minimum skills threshold’.

Once you become an Accredited Employer, you agree to INZ conducting post-accreditation checks to ensure you are meeting the obligations under your accreditation. 

It is quite likely that as an Accredited Employer, you will be required to provide some further information to INZ either through the verification process or upon renewal.

Our experienced Licensed Immigration Advisers are here to provide you with advice regarding your obligations as an INZ Accredited Employer, including how you can evidence you are meeting those obligations. We can also provide advice on the types of information INZ are requesting through their verification process and the type of information they will require from you at the accreditation renewal application stage. This should ensure that when you are required to provide this information to INZ you are prepared and the process should run smoothly. 

Book an appointment today with our experienced Licensed Immigration Advisers to help prepare for your first accreditation application or renewal.